Annual Reports


Click here to view the CDT-EI 2022-2023 Annual Report, our Final issue.


Click here to view the CDT-EI 2021 Annual Report.


Click here to view the CDT-EI 2019-2020 Annual Report.


Click here to view the CDT-EI 2017-2018 Annual Report.


Click here to view the CDT-EI 2016-2017 Annual Report.


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Click here to view the First Annual Report of the CDT-EI.

Research Articles


Carlin H, Goodall P, Young B and West A, An Interactive Framework to Support Decision-Making for Digital Twin Design. 2023. Available at SSRN: 

Zhou, Z., Xing, L., Venkatesan, V., Xu, H., Chen, W., Xuan, J., "Novel porous electrode designs for reversible solid oxide hydrogen planar cell through multi-physics modeling", Fuel Cells. 2023, 23, 119.


Hayward, S., van-Lopik, K, Hinde, C., West, A. (2022). Survey of Indoor Location Technologies, Techniques and Applications in Industry. Doi: 10.1016/j.iot.2022.100608

Lee-Smith, M. "Blurryism: Messing with Dualisms through Design". Interactions. 29 (1), pp. 64–67. ACM. 2022. doi:10.1145/3502298

Schnieder M, Hinde C, West A. Land Efficient Mobility: Evaluation of Autonomous Last Mile Delivery Concepts in London, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022 Aug; 19(16): 10290. doi: 10.3390/ijerph191610290

L. Kirschbaum, et al., (2022) L. Kirschbaum, V. Robu, S. Swingler, and D. Flynn. Prognostics for Electromagnetic Relays using Deep Learning. IEEE Access, pages 4861 - 4895, vol. 10, IEEE, 2022, doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3140645

Hayward, S., van-Lopik, K, West, A. (2022). A Holistic Approach to Health and Safety Monitoring: Framework and Technology Perspective. Internet of Things, doi: 10.1016/j.iot.2022.100606

Yang Zhou, Baihua Li, Jiangtao Wang, Emanuele Rocco, and Qinggang Meng. Discovering unknowns: Context-enhanced anomaly detection for curiosity-driven autonomous underwater exploration. Pattern Recognition. 131, C, 2022.

Jiang, L., Cai, H., Schaefer, G., and Meng, Q. (2022). A neural refinement network for single image view synthesis. Neurocomputing, 496:35–45. Url:

Schnieder M, Hinde C, West A. Emission Estimation of On-Demand Meal Delivery Services Using a Macroscopic Simulation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022 Jan;19(18):11667, 
Shaun Smith, James Knowles, Byron Mason, and Sean Biggs, "A Bifurcation Analysis and Sensitivity Study of Brake Creep Groan", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 2021 31:16,
Hantos G., Desmulliez M.P.Y., ‘Investigation into low frequency response acoustic MEMS for determination of failure modes’, 2021,  IEEE Trans. in Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol. 34, 3, pp. 262-269, doi:10.1109/TSM.2021.3065553.
Hayward, S., Earps, J., Sharpe, R., van-Lopik, K., West, A. (2021). A novel inertial positioning update method, using passive RFID tags, for indoor asset localisation. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology. Doi:
Kouppas C., Saada M, Meng Q, King M, Majoe D, Hybrid autonomous controller for bipedal robot balance with deep reinforcement learning and pattern generators, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 146, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2021.103891

Smith, S., Knowles, J., Mason, B., and Biggs, S., "A Bifurcation Analysis and Sensitivity Study of Brake Creep Groan", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 2021,

Schnieder M, Hinde C, West A. Sensitivity analysis of emission models of parcel lockers vs. home delivery based on HBEFA. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021 Jun 11;18(12):6325.

Hantos G., Desmulliez M.P.Y., ‘On the use of acoustic methods for the determination of electrostatic capture of diaphragm in capacitive MEMS microphones’, 2021, IEEE Trans. On Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT),

Schnieder M, Hinde C, West A. Land Consumption of Delivery Robots and Bicycle Couriers for On-Demand Meal Delivery Using GPS Data and Simulations Based on the Time-Area Concept. Sustainability. 2021 Oct 14;13(20):11375. 

Schnieder M, Hinde C, West A. Combining parcel lockers with staffed collection and delivery points: An optimization case study using real parcel delivery data (London, UK). Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity. 2021 Aug 4;7(3):183.


Torres-Sanchez C., Norrito M., Wang J., Bell H., Zani L., Conway P.P., “Physico-chemical characterisation of Ti-Nb-Sn alloys surfaces and their osteogenic properties”, Surfaces & Coatings Technology Journal, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.126439

Schnieder M, West AA. Comparison of Time-Area Requirements of Parcel Lockers vs. Home Delivery: A Cyber-Physical System of Last Mile Delivery. In2020 Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems (FISTS) 2020 Nov 3 (pp. 298-303). IEEE.

L. Kirschbaum, et al., (2020) L. Kirschbaum, D. Roman, G. Singh, J. Bruns, V. Robu, and D. Flynn. AI-driven Maintenance Support for Downhole Tools and Electronics Operated in Dynamic Drilling Environments. IEEE Access, pages 78683-78701, vol. 8, IEEE, 2020, doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2990152

C. Torres-Sanchez, M. Haghighi Abyaneh, J. A. Holt, B. C. Mee, J. Wang & P. P. Conway, Enhanced interfacial adhesion and mechanical performance of lightweight polyurethane foam reinforced with a low content of aligned magnetised short carbon fibres, Composite Interfaces, Published online: 05 Jun 2020, DOI: 10.1080/09276440.2020.1774213

Hamid, Y.; Hutt, D.A.; Whalley, D.C.; Craddock, R. Relative Contributions of Packaging Elements to the Thermal Hysteresis of a MEMS Pressure Sensor. Sensors 2020, 20, 1727.

Hantos G., Flynn D., Desmulliez M.P.Y., 2020, Built-In-Self-Test (BIST) methods for MEMS: A Review’, Invited Article – Special Issue, MPDI Micromachines, 12, 40;

Holt J.A, Blackwell S., Zani L., Torres-Sanchez C., “Comparison of elastic properties of low-density polymeric foams determined by ultrasonic wave propagation and quasi-static mechanical testing”, Materials Letters, Volume 263, 15 March 2020, 127243, DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2019.127243

van Lopik K, Schnieder M, Sharpe R, Sinclair M, Hinde C, Conway P, West A, Maguire M. Comparison of in-sight and handheld navigation devices toward supporting industry 4.0 supply chains: First and last mile deliveries at the human level. Applied ergonomics. 2020 Jan 1;82:102928.

Smith, S., Knowles, J., & Mason, B. (2020). Numerical continuation applied to internal combustion engine models. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering.

Lückemann, P.; Forrester, S.; Mears, A.; Shepherd, J.; Roberts, J. (2020). Assessment of Measurement Uncertainty in Optical Marker Tracking of High-Speed Motion. Proceedings 2020, 49(1), 72,

Schnieder M, Hinde C, West A. Review and Development of a Land Consumption Evaluation Method Based on the Time-Area Concept of Last Mile Delivery Using Real Delivery Trip Data. Sustainability. 2020 Dec 19;12(24):10626.

Smith, S., Knowles, J., and Mason, B., "Numerical Continuation Applied to Internal Combustion Engine Models", IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2020,


Y. Hamid, D. A. Hutt, D. C. Whalley, and R. Craddock, “Packaging Effects on MEMS Pressure Sensor Hysteresis” in the proceedings of the 21st IEEE Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC), Singapore, 4-6 Decembre 2019, pp. 111–115.

Dimitrios Pantazis; Paul Goodall; Paul P Conway; Andrew A West (2019). An automated feature extraction method with application to empirical model development from machining power data. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing Vol 124, 1 June 2019, Pages 21-35 DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2019.01.023 

Y. Zhou et al., "Underwater Scene Segmentation by Deep Neural Network", IEEE UK-RAS Conference 2019


Christos Kouppas, Qinggang Meng, Mark King, and Dennis Majoe, "S.A.R.A.H.: The Bipedal Robot with Machine Learning Step Decision Making," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 379-384, July 2018. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.7.4.379-384

Kruiper, R., Vincent, J.F.V., Abraham, E., Soar, R.C., Konstas, I., Chen-Burger, J., Desmulliez, M.P.Y. (2018). Towards a Design Process for Computer-Aided Biomimetics. Biomimetics, Vol. 3(3), DOI: 10.3390/biomimetics3030014

Lückemann, P.; Haid, D. M.; Brömel, P.; Schwanitz, S.; Maiwald, C. (2018). Validation of an Inertial Sensor System for Swing Analysis in Golf. Proceedings 2 (6), 246, doi:10.3390/proceedings2060246.

Lückemann, P.; Curtis, D.; Odenwald, S. (2018). Effective momentum approach for optimising player-bat performance in Cricket. 12. Symposium der Sektion Sportinformatik und Sporttechnologie der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft, spinfortec2018 Abstractband, p. 33-34.

Park, I.S., Middleton, R. J.C., Coggrave, C. R., Ruiz, P. D., Coupland, J. M. (2018). Characterization of the reference wave in a compact digital holographic camera. Applied Optics. 57, 1, A235-A241 DOI:10.1364/AO.57.00A235


Kruiper R., Vincent J.F.V., Chen-Burger J., Desmulliez M.P.Y. (2017). Towards Identifying Biological Research Articles in Computer-Aided Biomimetics. Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Living Machines 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10384. Springer, Cham doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-63537-8_21

Pease, S. G., Conway, P. P., West, A. A. (2017). Hybrid ToF and RSSI Real-Time Semantic Tracking with an Adaptive Industrial Internet of Things Architecture. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 99, 98-109 DOI:10.1016/j.jnca.2017.10.010

Pease, S. G., Conway, P. P., West, A. A. (2017). An intelligent real-time cyber-physical toolset for energy and process prediction and optimisation in the future industrial Internet of Things. Future Generation Computer Systems DOI:10.1016/j.future.2017.09.026

Umer J, Morris N, Leighton M, Rahmani R, Howell-Smith S, Wild R, Rahnejat H (2017). Asperity Level Tribological Investigation of Automotive Bore Material and Coatings, Tribology International 117:131-140 DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2017.08.023

Turnbull R, Mohammad Pour M, rahmani R, rahnejat H, Offner G. (2017). Coupled Elastodynamics of Piston Compression Ring Subject to Sweep Excitation, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 2017, 231(3) 469-479 DOI: 10.1177/1464419317725942

Ladosz, P., Oh, H. & Chen, WH (2017). Trajectory Planning for Communication Relay Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Urban Dynamic Environments, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 1-19. DOI: 10.1007/s10846-017-0484-y
Faerber, J., G. Cummins, S.K. Pavaluri, P. Record, A.A. Rodriguez, R. McPhilips, H. Lay, et al. 2017. “In Vivo Characterisation of a Conformal Antenna for Capsule Endoscopy.” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems TBA (TBA): TBA.



Kruiper R., Chen-Burger J., Desmulliez M.P.Y. (2016) Computer-Aided Biomimetics. Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Living Machines 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9793. Springer, Cham doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-42417-0_13

Segura Velandia, D. M., Kaur, N., Whittow, W. G., Conway, P. P., & West, A. A. (2016). Towards industrial internet of things: Crankshaft monitoring, traceability and tracking using RFID. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 41, 66-77.  DOI:10.1016/j.rcim.2016.02.004



Goodall, P., Graham, I., Harding, J., Conway, P., Schleyer, S., & West, A. (2015). Cost estimation for remanufacture with limited and uncertain information using case based reasoning. Journal of Remanufacturing, 5(7). DOI:10.1186/s13243-015-0013-8

Graham, I., Goodall, P., Peng, Y., Palmer, C., West, A., Conway, P., . . . Dettmer, F. U. (2015). Performance measurement and KPIs for remanufacturing. Journal of Remanufacturing, 5(10). DOI:10.1186/s13243-015-0019-2



Ładosz, P., Coombes, M., Smith J., Hutchison M., 2018. A generic ROS-based System for Rapid Development and Testing of Algorithms for Autonomous Ground and Aerial Vehicles. Robot Operating System (ROS) The Complete Reference (Volume 3) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-91590-6_4


Kruiper R., Vincent J.F.V., Chen-Burger J., Desmulliez M.P.Y. (2017). Towards Identifying Biological Research Articles in Computer-Aided Biomimetics. Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Living Machines 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10384. Springer, Cham DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-63537-8_21


Kruiper R., Chen-Burger J., Desmulliez M.P.Y. (2016) Computer-Aided Biomimetics. Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Living Machines 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9793. Springer, Cham DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-42417-0_13

Conference Proceedings


Torres-Sánchez C., Conway P.P., ‘Why a PhD? An exercise with LEGO®. Using novel communication tools to express multi-level complex messages’, 130th American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition, June 25-28 2023, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.


M. Bektas, Z. Gao, E. A. Edirisinghe and A. Lluis-Gomez, "Demo-Net: A Low Complexity Convolutional Neural Network for Demosaicking Images," 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2022, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.1109/ICCE53296.2022.9730270

Lückemann, P.; Roberts, J.R.; Forrester, S.; Mears, A.; Shepherd, J.; (2022). Validation of golf club delivery parameters for a fast optical capture system. World Scientific Congress of Golf, Sanford Health, SD, USA, 12-15 September 2022,

Hazel Carlin et al, "Modelling Realism in Digital Twins: Issues and Solutions for Interoperable Manufacture", Proceedings of the Workshop of I-ESA’22, March 23–24, 2022, Valencia, Spain

A. Adole, E. Edirisinghe, B. Li, and C. Bearchell, “Comparison of Hardswish and Leaky-ReLu Activation Function for Offline Handwritten Kanji Document Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network”, IHIET-AI: International Conference on Human interaction and Emerging Technologies: Artificial intelligence and Future Applications, 2022 

Ryan Williamson, Hazel Carlin, Steven Hayward, Paul Goodall, Katherine van Lopik, Bob Young, Andrew West, 2022, Predicting the Unpredictable through Realism in Interoperable Digital Twins, Proceedings of Interoperability for enterprise systems and applications workshops,

Hazel Carlin, Ryan Williamson, Paul Goodall, Bob Young, Andrew West, 2022, Summary Report, Proceedings of Interoperability for enterprise systems and applications workshops,

Lückemann, P.; Roberts, J.R.; Forrester, S.; Mears, A.; Shepherd, J.; (2022). The "Sweet Spot" of a Driver by Measures of Post-impact Clubhead Rotation. ISEA 2022 – The Engineering of Sport 14 Conference, Purdue University, IN, USA, 6-10 June 2022, URL:


Simon G., Hantos G.H., Hejda M., Bernassau A.L., Desmulliez M.P.Y., ’Particle trajectories and transverse dispersion in acoustic microfluidic devices’, IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) 2021, DOI:10.1109/IUS52206.2021.9593875.

L. Kirschbaum, et al., (2021) L. Kirschbaum, D. Roman, V. Robu, and D. Flynn. Deep Learning Pipeline for State-of-Health Classification of Electromagnetic Relays. In 2021 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), pages 1-7, IEEE, 2021, doi:10.1109/ISIE45552.2021.9576278

Hantos G.H., Simon G., Hejda M., Bernassau A.L., Desmulliez M.P.Y.,  ‘Automated particle and cell phenotyping using object recognition and tracking based on machine learning algorithms’, IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) 2021, DOI:10.1109/IUS52206.2021.9593615


Dyrenfurth MJ., Torres-Sanchez C., Newton K.A., Springer ML., Wolf C., “A Doctorate that works: Non-traditional populations served on both sides of the Atlantic”, 2020 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition of the American Society for Engineering Education, June 21st – 24th 2020, Montreal, Quebec, Canada .

Foley, B, Ferreira, P, Zimmer, M (2020) Towards Gamification of the Ramp-up Process for Industry 4.0. In 3rd UK Robotics and Autonomous Systems Conference (UKRAS 2020), University of Lincoln (virtual), 17 Apr 2020. DOI:

Lückemann, P.; Forrester, S.; Mears, A.; Shepherd, J. & Roberts, J. (2020). Assessment of Measurement Uncertainty in Optical Marker Tracking of High-Speed Motion. Proceedings 2020, 49(1), 72;

Schnieder M, West AA. Comparison of Time-Area Requirements of Parcel Lockers vs. Home Delivery: A Cyber-Physical System of Last Mile Delivery. In2020 Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems (FISTS) 2020 Nov 3 (pp. 298-303). IEEE.

Zimmer, M, Al-Yacoub, A, Ferreira, P, Lohse, N (2020) Towards Human-Chatbot Interaction: A Virtual Assistant for the Ramp-up Process. In 3rd UK Robotics and Autonomous Systems Conference (UKRAS 2020), University of Lincoln (virtual), 17 Apr 2020. DOI:

Goodall PA, van Lopik K, Stilo L, Hayward S, Tribe J, Pease SG, Schnieder M, West A, Young B. An Embedded Intelligence Future Vision of Flexible Configurable Manufacturing. InI-ESA Workshops 2020. Proceedings of the Workshops of I-ESA 2020, 17-11-2020, Tarbes, France. 


Hamid, Youssef; Hutt, David; Whalley, David; Craddock, Russell (2019): Packaging effects on MEMS pressure sensor hysteresis. Loughborough University. Conference contribution.

Schnieder M, West A. Evaluation of alternative battery charging schemes for one-way electric vehicle smart mobility sharing systems based on real urban trip data. In2019 IEEE 5th International forum on Research and Technology for Society and Industry (RTSI) 2019 Sep 9 (pp. 296-301). IEEE. 

Hamid, Youssef; Hutt, David; Whalley, David; Craddock, Russell (2019): Effect of thin film interconnect inelasticity on MEMS pressure sensor hysteresis. Loughborough University. Conference contribution.

Torres-Sanchez C., Conway PP, Transition Zone: A Training Ethos Designed to Scaffold a Ph.D. Degree, 126th Annual Conference and Exposition of the Americal Society for Engineering Education, June 16-19, 2019, Tampa Convention Center, Tampla, Florida 

Shaun Smith, "A Bifurcation Analysis of an Open Loop Internal Combustion Engine" (extended) WCX SAE 2019 World Congress Experience. Detroit, Michigan, USA

M. Zimmer, A. Al-Yacoub, P. Ferreira, N. Lohse (2019), Trajectory Creation Towards Fast Skill Deployment in Plug-and-Produce Assembly Systems: A Gaussian-Mixture Model Approach, 2nd UK-RAS, Loughborough, 24 January 2019 

Smith, S., Knowles, J., and Mason, B., "A Bifurcation Analysis of an Open Loop Internal Combustion Engine" SAE Technical Paper 2019-01-0194, 2019,


C. Torres-Sánchez, M.Haghihi-Abayneh, P.P. Conway (2018).
Magnetic-assisted Alignment of Reinforcing Functionalized-fibers in a Composite for Lightweight Structures. Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS 2018), San Antonio, Texas.

Ładosz, P., Banjo, O., De Guido, S., Zalasiewicz, M., 2018. A Genetic Algorithm Optimiser for Dynamic Product Routing in Agile Manufacturing Environment. INDIN2018, Porto, Portugal

A. Pouchias, J. Stein, P.R. Cunningham, M. Kazilas, Online Resin Flow Monitoring System Development for Resin Transfer Moulding Process, NSIRC 2018 Conference, Cambridge, UK.

L. Kirschbaum, et al., (2018) L. Kirschbaum, F. Dinmohammadi, D. Flynn, V. Robu, and M., Pecht. Failure Analysis Informing Embedded Health Monitoring of Electromagnetic Relays. In 2018 3rd International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS), pages 261-267, IEEE, 2018, doi:10.1109/ICSRS.2018.8688839.

A. Pouchias, P.R. Cunningham, J. Stein, M. Kazilas, Development of a dielectric sensor for the flow monitoring of resin transfer moulding process, The 14th International Conference of Flow Processing in Composite Materials 2018 (FPCM14), Lulea, Sweden.

A. Pouchias, P.R. Cunningham, J. Stein, M. Kazilas, Online flow monitring system development for the resin transfer moulding process, 18th European Conference on Composite Materials 2018 (ECCM18), Athens, Greece.

Comissiong, R. and Steffen, T., "Review of Selection Criteria for Sensor and Actuator Configurations Suitable for Internal Combustion Engines," SAE Technical Paper 2018-01-0758, 2018, DOI: 10.4271/2018-01-0758

Kouppas, C., Meng, Q., King, M., & Majoe, D. Machine learning comparison for step decision making of a bipedal robot. Control and Robotics Engineering (ICCRE), 2018 3rd International Conference on (pp. 21-25). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/ICCRE.2018.8376427


C. Kouppas, M. Rodosthenous, N. Sagyndyk, Q. Meng, M. King, and D. Majoe, “Designing a novel bipedal Silent Agile Robust Autonomous Host (S.A.R.A.H),” UK-RAS CONFERENCE: “ROBOTS WORKING FOR & AMONG US,” 2017, pp. 114–117.

Athanasios Pouchias, Paul Cunningham, Jasmin Stein, Alexandros A. Skordos, Mihalis Kazilas, Development of a dielectric sensor for the flow monitoring of resin transfer moulding process, SAMPE Europe Conference 2017, Stuttgart, Germany.

Maria Lorente-Crespo, Adrian Ayastuy Rodriguez, G. Goussetis, and Carolina Mateo-Segura. (2017). Hemispherical Luneburg Lens Antenna With Integrated Linear To Circular Polarisation Converter, 38th ESA Antenna Workshop on Innovative Antenna Systems and Technologies for Future Space Missions. Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

Carolina Mateo-Segura, G Georgiadis, Adrian Ayastuy Rodríguez, Ryan Bahr, Manos. M. Tentzeris, Ana Collado, and G. Goussetis (2017). 3D Printed Bifocal Lens Antenna For Multi-Beam Applications. 38th ESA Antenna Workshop on Innovative Antenna Systems and Technologies for Future Space Missions. Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

Torres-Sanchez C, Conway PP, Holt JA (2017). 3D Acoustic-Structure Interaction of Ultrasound in Fluids for the Manufacture of Graded Materials, COMSOL conference 2017, Rotterdam, NL.

Ladosz, P., Oh, H. & Chen, WH (2017). Prediction of Air-to-Ground Communication Strength for Relay UAV Trajectory Planner in Urban Environments, International Conference On Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2017).

Kouppas, C., Pearson, M., Dean, P. and Anderson, S., 2017, July. Feather-inspired sensor for stabilizing unmanned aerial vehicles in turbulent conditions. Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems (pp. 230-241). Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-63537-8_20

Sivayogan G, Mohammadpour M, Rahnejat H, Sopouch M, Offner G (2017). Elastohydrodynamic Analysis of Hypoid Gear Contacts With Variable Geometry and Kinematics, 6th World Tribology Congress, Beijing, China.

Umer J, Morris N, Leighton M, Rahmani R, Rahnejat H, Howell-Smith S, Balakrishnan S (2017). Nano-scale Investigation of Frictional Characteristics of Tribo-films in Sliding Contacts of Representative In-cylinder Conditions, 6th World Tribology Congress, Beijing, China.

Oglieve C, Sivayogan G, Mohammadpour M, Rahnejat H (2017). Lubricated Loaded Tooth Contact Analysis (LLTCA) for Spur Gear Pairs. International Conference on Advance Vehicle Powertrains, Hangzhou, China.

Ayastuy Rodriguez, Adrian, Paul Record, and Fiona Kenyon. (2017). Novel Activity Monitoring System Based on Smart Collar and Variational Bayesian Learning of Multivariate Autoregressive Hidden Markov Models, 8th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, 802–11. Nantes, France.

D.V. Roman, R.W. Dickie, D. Flynn and V. Robu (2017) A Review of the Role of Prognostics in Predicting the Remaining Useful Life of Assets, "Safety and Reliability - Theory and Applications. Proceedings of the 27th European Safety and Reliability Conference (Esrel 2017), Portorož, Slovenia, 18-22 June 2017, Pages 897–904 doi: 10.1201/9781315210469-116.


Pantazis, Dimitrios, Adrian Ayastuy Rodriguez, Paul P. Conway, and Andrew A. West. (2016). An Application of Autoregressive Hidden Markov Models for Identifying Machine Operations. 14th International Conference on Manufacturing Research. doi: 10.3233/978-1-61499-668-2-193.

Turnbull R, Bewsher SR, Mohammad pour M, Rahmani R, Rahnejat H, Offner G (2016). Elastodynamics of Piston Compression Rings, 3rd Biennial International Conference on Powertrain Modelling and Control (PMC 2016)

Ladosz, P., Oh, H. & Chen, WH (2016). Optimal positioning of communication relay unmanned aerial vehicles in urban environments, International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS).

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